Looking Out My Back Window #373

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It doesn’t get any easier. I think sometimes we think it will, but – I don’t think that’s usually the case. There’s always something. As a kid you think “I can’t wait until I’m a grown up and can do what I want to do when I want to do it”, but… really? Once we’re an adult we miss the freedom we had before we had jobs and bills to deal with. And as adults, we have all kinds of issues – problems with money, with our health, with our relationships, with our jobs… and it’s easy to say things like “once we get through (insert anything here – the summer, the school season, this project, etc) I’ll start paying more attention to (insert anything here – the bills, my health, my relationship, looking for a new job, etc)”… but then you get through whatever it was, and there’s always something else to wait for. And the more we delay, the harder it gets to get going. Whatever you want to do, it won’t be any easier to start than it is today. How many people half heartedly think about starting a new health program, or looking for a new job, or to get help controlling their debt or other personal issues, or actively work on finding a life partner instead of just starting to work on it? Many of us. I’m as guilty as anyone over the course of my life. But when we know we need to make a change, whatever that is – as we age, so often it’s health related – putting it off is usually not the best option at all. Putting it off got us to the place where we are today, actually. Once we recognize the need, we need to take action. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu. That first step will never be any easier to take than it is today. What is it you’ve been waiting on?… looking for the “right time” to get started on?… the only time we have to work with is now. Get momentum in your favor by taking that first step today.

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