JULY 1999
BAND: Road Trip
TITLE: Cowboys And Maniacs
FORMAT: CD Only – CLICK HERE to purchase from Amazon
RECORDED AT: Sleepless Nights – Madison, WI
PRODUCER: Road Trip & Paul Schluter
ENGINEERS: Paul Schluter, Jake Johnson, Todd Winger & Mark Whitcomb
CD ARTWORK: Amy Johnson & Jill Teeter
RECORD CO: Independent Release RT-031999
David Geschke: Bass
Matthew Emmer: Guitar
Daniel J. Doty: Guitar, Vocals
Amy Jo Johnson: Vocals, Percussion
Rich Plath: Vocals
Billy Friday: Drums
Pauli Ryan: Percussion (Phat Phunktion)
Marc Golde: B3 Organ
Dave Stoler: Piano
SONGS (songwriter in parenthesis)
Unglued (Johnson)
Hello From The Outside (Plath)
Crazy Feeling (Johnson/Doty)
Blind (Johnson/Doty)
Dear Cheri (Plath)
Alright (Johnson/Doty)
Find A Way (Friday)
Genesis 6 (Johnson/Doty)
The Change (Plath/Doty)
Smile Removal Machine (Plath/Doty)
The Chocolate Song (Johnson/Doty)
Until ROAD TRIP’s 2001 release “Please Disturb” this was the best recording I’d ever done. Better in every respect than anything I had done before this – songwriting, production & artwork. I enjoyed doing this recording, Sleepless Nights (Madison, WI) is a very good studio. I used a 66 Jazz Bass, Fender Roscoe Beck 5-string and a Lakland Classic 55-94 5-string bass on this disc & we spent a lot of time working on the bass tones. It won the year 2000 WAMI (Wisconsin Area Music Industry) Award for “Best CD Artwork”!