Looking Out My Back Window #211

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Just beautiful out today. August 1st already – that’s crazy. I have no agenda to follow today, either – which is awesome. I love days with no agenda at all. I have things I want to get done but I can do them whenever I want. If I wind up not doing any of them it won’t matter, either. The day is mine. It got me thinking about how seldom I have a day like this. Even when I have a day off I often have something on the agenda – going somewhere, meeting someone, some sort of event to partake in. Not today. Agenda: nothing. Which got me thinking – if I like days like this so much, why don’t I find a way to get more of them into my life? Certainly walking away from agendas and responsibilities are one of the reasons we all love vacations. I know many people who do day by day vacation planning and have agendas scheduled before they leave, but that certainly isn’t me. I go on vacation – agenda: nothing. Doesn’t mean I won’t do anything, just that I’ll do things if and when they just seem to be right for the day. I need days with nothing planned to clear my head. Most of my days have set agendas, though – the vast majority of days are filled with appointments and schedules. I don’t really have an issue with that either, because to be happy in life we need to have a purpose. We need to have something we’re passionate about that we’re pursuing. That’s a very personal thing – for some of us it’s all based around family, for others it’s business, some people are all about making money, others are creating works of art, and for most of us we have more than one thing we’re passionate about – something that makes it worth getting up in the morning. When I took three weeks off in 2018 to write Feed Your Angel, then again in 2019 to write Everybody Dies – one of the things I really liked about it was the freedom that came with not having a specific agenda. I did have a goal and a purpose both times, though – write an entire book in three weeks. So, at least for a period of time, it is possible to have both daily freedom and a purpose. Today I get 24 hours of freedom from agendas and it’s going to be a great day. Tomorrow I begin at least thirteen straight days with agendas, and they’ll all be great, too – but I always view the agenda-less days as a gift. What’s on your agenda today?…

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