Looking Out My Back Window #324

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It’s a wildly busy morning here with seemingly ten thousand things to do and only so much time to do them in, so 9,996 of them will be left undone until another day. And, really — why should today be any different, right? It seems to be how I’ve set my life up. I know there are other ways to live that might let me get more sleep, and have less tension and anxiety. My problem, if I indeed have one at all — is that I really enjoy or see benefit in basically all the things that are on my to-do list at any given time. So, when I wake up at 4am (for whatever reason), I’m just up — because there’s a lot to do, and I love that time of the day. It’s quiet. I can do things at my own pace on most days. It sets the rest of the day up well, too. And it seems like there’s a lot of Dave’s all fighting for attention. Work Dave, musician Dave, husband Dave, grampa Dave, writer Dave, workout Dave, vacation Dave… these are the Dave’s I know. And probably a few more I forgot to list as well… they all have their own to-do lists and vie for my time and attention. And command center Dave has to try to make sense of it all and organize it in the most meaningful fashion to get everything done on time. We’re going to Maui later this month, I have a gig to play with a country band in a couple weeks, we’re in the process of recording a new album with my band The Fusion Project, my day job is always busy, I’m two years behind on the “Looking Out My Back Window” books, etc, etc, etc… so, with a lot always going on sometimes I wonder if there’s things I could cut out or cut back on to create more space, you know? I think there will come a time in my life when I will do that. But if I tried right now, whatever I’d cut out would most likely get filled up right away with something else. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion, right? Works that way with our minds, too. So, for now I’m quite OK leaving things as they are are always having too much to do. I very seldom get bored. I mean — bored, really? No. Short life. Many options. Fill it with people and things you love. Weird post today, but hey — I gotta get to it…