Looking Out My Back Window #367

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Writing a bit later than usual today. I took some time to take some time this morning. To take some time to relax a bit, and maybe slow down. To walk my dog and have breakfast. To listen to some music that I love. It was awesome. I also surfed the internet a bit, put up a couple posts, and in my Zen-like “get in touch with God” moment that I was having, I started wondering just what the heck we’re doing with our time. To me, God doesn’t care how you find Him. This is just my opinion, and I realize that many, maybe most of the people I know, will disagree with that – but – could you find God without a book telling you how to do it? I could. I hope those of you who believe in God would agree that you could as well. So when you’re most in touch with God, what do you feel?… Peace, right? Calm… Love… We are given so few moments. Do you really think the path you take to find God matters to God? Would God set it up so we have to pick the right path, and everyone else goes to hell?… not the God I know. The amount of judgement, anger and hatred we spew over our religious differences isn’t anything made of God. God is calm, peaceful and loving. Anger and hatred are ego based. Why use up our moments being intolerant of our religious differences? And in this day and age, politics – wow. So much hatred. So much anger. I get it – if you encounter someone who says or posts something that’s really “in your face” you want to lash out, it’s human nature. I do, too. And there are people who I have just decided I no longer need anywhere near my life – because the people I know, the people I love, the people I want to spend time with, can disagree on things but still see that we all feel what we feel because we think our personal beliefs are what’s best for us at any given time. It doesn’t mean I need you to feel that way, though. That’s where the problems start happening, I guess. “This is my belief, I’m totally right on this fact, and you’re an idiot for not seeing it my way”… the beginning and end of many friendships starts and ends with a sentence similar to that. I have many friends, family members, clients and co-workers who have very different political and religious beliefs than I do. Some are very, very close friends of mine. We disagree on some things, but we respect each other enough to allow differences of opinion without getting bent out of shape over it. The people who can’t let it go?… you need to consider letting them go. We get way too few moments in life to let heated political and religious wrangling to eat away at the gratitude we should feel for every second we have. We need to honor that time we’re given. Walk away from the people, places and things that don’t bring you joy. If you disagree with someone, it’s ok to recognize and admit it without feeling the need to constantly bring it up again. We can coexist with each other without bringing unnecessary hatred to the moments we’re given. And if you encounter someone who doesn’t feel that way, we can choose to eliminate them from our lives. Why hang with the button-pushers? No joy in that.

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