Looking Out My Back Window #379

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Everything is amazing to me. Everything. I walk around in awe of the fact that I can walk around in awe. I look at my hand and I’m amazed that even though my mind is up here in my brain, I can control that appendage over there at the end of my arm. I can touch stuff, and pick things up and move them. And – look at all the stuff we have! It’s just incredible. What did people do before razors, and toilet paper (don’t answer that one), and recorded music? And how is it possible that all the stuff that’s available to buy is even available at all? It’s incredible. Every second of every day is a gift, and it’s all just overwhelming to me. I take nothing for granted. There are times when we don’t walk around feeling amazed and grateful, though. In the past week a bunch of my Facebook friends lost people and pets that were very dear to them. I can feel their pain as they post about it. I’ve been there before myself. Life doesn’t always give you sunshine and lollipops. But one thing I say to myself over and over every day is “everything always works out for me”. So, when something happens that I’m not super excited about (right now I have four frustrating issues at the forefront of the mental negativity section in my brain), I try to see what the hidden benefit might be. Because everything always works out for me. I think when I was younger I’d get more pissed off and angry about the issues I’m having right now. Now I just try to focus on solutions. Not to say when each was presented to me I wasn’t a bit bonkers, because that “angry” response – well, sometimes it can come in handy when used in perspective. Sometimes you have to make it clear this isn’t something that will be tolerated. But you can’t let it fester, right? Two of the issues involve what I consider extremely poor customer service from Legacybox and another company I don’t care to name at this time because the local salesperson has been great to deal with, but the national customer service department not so much. In each case, I guarantee the last person I spoke to, after a lengthy attempt at resolution (both unsuccessful, too), knew I wasn’t happy. Legacybox even sent one of those “how happy were you with the service today?” emails, and I replied with the worst rating you could give. Never heard back. Issue still not resolved. Anyway – I have two other frustrating things going on right now as well. I could get all focused and pissed off at that and waste the entire weekend thinking about the poor person who answers the phone on Monday when I call back to get final resolution, or I can just walk away for now knowing that “everything always works out for me”, because that’s the way I see it. And that’s how I choose to look at things. Life is incredible. Everything is amazing. And no matter what happens, everything always works out for me. If this isn’t your mindset, I suggest giving it a try. You’ll see it when you believe it. Having lived long enough to have tried the alternative, I can tell you that seeking what’s best, where is the lesson, and “how can I make this something that benefits me?”… is a much better way to live. Because we are all tested. You don’t have to let your reactions define you – you can choose to define your reactions instead.

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