Looking Out My Back Window #400

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Up early today. Life is a crazy thing, isn’t it? We all get to choose how we see things. We all have a totally unique body, mind and set of circumstances. Nobody but the person living our exact life will ever know what it feels like to be the person we are. And into all our lives will be joy, and sorrow, and anger, and love. And interactions with other people. We get to see the actions of others as only we can see them. We get to interpret the opinions of others as only we can interpret them. Sometimes it seems like so much of the pain and anxiety we feel in life could be avoided by simply seeing whatever happened with a different mindset. It’s easy to say that. Easy to think that. Not easy to do that, though. We get angry sometimes. People shoot down our ideas, and we let their opinions stop us before we even get started. We sometimes wish people could see what we see, and we try our best to help other people, but they wind up not really doing anything at all, and we let that build into resentments. We get in our heads and we worry. We worry about our families, our jobs, our friends. There’s so much going on, how will we get to it all? And it’s so easy to just let our minds take over and feel stressed out all the time about something, anything – whatever the news of the day is. And other people’s opinions, of course. Why? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why don’t we just watch and learn and seek to love every moment, no matter what the circumstances? We have the power within us to be about as happy as we want to be, yet so few people seem to realize it. Behind the thoughts, the worry, the anxiety, the despair – there is a part of us that remains calm and centered. We have to seek it to find it, though. Once in a while it’ll peek out and surprise us, give us a glimpse. You’ll have those moments where you’re just “in the zone”, right? Everything is just amazing and you’re overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. That is when you’re truly with God. I’m telling you, that can be every moment. You can always be in the zone. The only thing stopping you is your belief that you can’t be. We get to choose our own perceptions of everything. There will always be other people who don’t like our perceptions. Let them. Let other people have their own thoughts about life. Nobody will ever agree with you on everything because we’re all unique. We just need to focus on what we can control, which is ourselves. Our thoughts. Our happiness. Then create bonds with people who strengthen us. Challenge us. And help us become stronger, wiser and more loving. And take that force, and that mindset, into the world every day. Is something creating stress for you today? What not take a breath, get centered, and see if you can get calm about it, whatever it is. See it in a loving way. Look at it from another perspective. There’s a quote attributed to Lincoln that says “people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. Make up you mind to be happy today. To approach this day, every day, with love in your heart. To let the haters, the naysayers be what they are. That is not you. Only you are you. And there’s nobody else that will ever be that. As incredible, and unique and special as you are – why take this opportunity we’re given to live life on this planet – to live in a way that doesn’t serve us? Go be you today, and every day. Be the best person you can be. Nobody else can ever do that, it’s basically the most important job you have.

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